
13.1.38. Removal and installation of the mechanism of the lock of a door of a back

Versatile person

Here removal and installation for the Station wagon model is described. Process of installation and removal for other models is similar. Differences are described in the text.



1. Disconnect a negative cable (-) of the rechargeable battery at the switched-off ignition. It is previously necessary to remove a box of the filter of air of salon.

Before a detachment of a cable find out a protective code of the radio receiver if that is available, address the Section Replacement of the Rechargeable Battery.

2. Remove facing of a door of a back or trunk lid, address appropriate section.

3. Squeeze out 8 clips (arrows on an illustration) slips (2) with registration plate outside. For this purpose put from the inside of a cover on each clip a head of the corresponding diameter and depth and squeeze out a clip.

The head presses on a clip thorn, separating it from the holder.

4. Turn off a nut from the screw (1) and remove a slip (2) with registration plate from a back door.
5. Disconnect a cable (1) from the locking mechanism (2) (the shooter on an illustration) and disconnect the plug.

Depending on a design it is necessary to uncover to have an opportunity to disconnect a cable.

6. Turn out 2 screws (1) and take out the locking mechanism (2) with the lock from a door.



1. Fix the locking mechanism by two screws the moment of 9 Nanometers on a back door.
2. Connect a cable to the mechanism of locking and join the socket.
3. Establish an overlay with registration plate for a back door so that clips and screws entered openings. Strongly press a slip to a door and record. Screw nuts.
4. Establish into place facing of a door of a back or trunk lid, address appropriate section.
5. Attach a negative cable (-) to the rechargeable battery at the switched-off ignition. Establish into place a box of the filter of air of salon. Enter a code of the radio receiver and determine time on hours.