3 — the gear shifting selector Lever 33a — the Sealing ring 34 — Conic draft 35 — the Doggie 36, 60 — Bolts 50 — Draft 51 — the Directing plug 51a, 55a, 141a — Sealing rings 51b — the Directing spring 52, 56 — Lock rings
53 — a blocking Doggie at "Parking" 54 — Pruzhina 55, 141 — Fingers 139 — the Blocking doggie 140 — the Torsion spring
1. Remove the gear shifting lever, having turned off bolts (60). 2. Remove a doggie (35) together with conic draft (34). 3. Turn off a bolt (36). 4. Remove a finger (141). 5. Take draft (50) from the case of transmission and unhook a blocking doggie (139). 6. Remove a lock ring (52) from the directing plug (51). 7. Press a doggie (53) blocking at "Parking" opposite to a spring (54) and a vypressuyta the directing plug (51) from the transmission case. 8. Remove a lock ring (56) and a finger (55). 9. Remove a doggie (53) blocking at "Parking" with a spring (54).
1. Install a doggie (53) blocking at "Parking" and a spring (54) in the case of transmission and establish a finger (55) with a lock ring (56). 2. Press a blocking doggie at "Parking" (53) opposite to a spring (54) against the stop and insert the directing plug (51) into the transmission case so that teeths of a doggie (53) blocking at "Parking" were established on the middle of the directing plug. 3. Establish a lock ring (52). 4. Install draft (50) in the case of transmission and fasten a blocking doggie. 5. Establish a finger (141). 6. Tighten a bolt (36). 7. Establish a doggie (35) with conical draft (34). 8. Fix the lever of the selector of gear shifting (33).