1. Install the piston (6s) on an external support. 2. Establish a disk spring (6d). 3. Establish a stripper (073) on a disk spring (6d) and squeeze it until the lock ring (6e) is not established in a groove. 4. Insert a lock ring (6e). 5. Insert a disk spring (6f) and the block of disks (6g) on an external support and measure a gap of L. Insert B1 brake disks together in the order presented on an accompanying illustration, and establish them in turn.
6. Install a press (078) on an external drive (70s). |
7. Squeeze the block of disks against the stop (still otmetochny ring will not be visible) (a small arrow). 8. Measure a gap of "L" between a lock ring (6h) and an external disk (70s) in three points. The size of gaps in a multidisk brake of B1 is specified in table 1. 9. Adjust a gap a lock ring (6h) if it is necessary. Thickness of a lock ring: 2.6, 2.9, 3.2, 3.5, 3.8 and 4.1 mm. 10. Establish a lock ring (6h). |