2.16. Driving and auxiliary systems
Running inThe more carefully you will treat the engine at the beginning of its use, the more you will be satisfied with its work subsequently. The first 1500 km avoid big loading (the movement at completely open butterfly valve) and the high speed of the engine (no more than 2/3 maximum speeds of the movement on the chosen transfer).
In due time switch transfers!
By pressing a pedal of an accelerator it is desirable not to overcome a point of resistance (kik-Down).
You do not make switching to lower transfer by the selector lever for the purpose of braking.
Ranges of switching 3, 2 or 1 choose only at low speeds (on mountain passes).
After the first 1500 km the speed and speed it is possible gradually increase to extreme values.
System of a call of the help - TeleAid
(Telematic Alarm Identification on Demand - is applied in some countries of Europe).
Main functions
The help call - system of a call of the help allows you signal transmission of a call of the help to control office of rescue service in the territory of certain European countries (see the following description).
Telediagnosing - will give you help, for example, at emergence of technical problems on the car or in case of accident. By a call of this service transfer of parameters of the car concerning location and identity is made. You can request this service by your stationary phone with the TeleAid system (the separate "Operation manual on phone").
"MB" - Info - will help you on all questions concerning the car, it, such as, additional accessories. You can request this service by your stationary phone with the TeleAid system.
The system of a call of the help allows signal transmission of a call of the help to one of control offices of ambulance within some countries of Europe.
Signal transmission of a call of the help is made automatically after accident. At emergence of a dangerous situation you can activate system of a call of the help manually. At the same time all is given information, necessary for emergency assessment, as, for example, the data on location of the car (determined by the GPS navigation satellite system, and also sensors of a way of the ABS system) and concerning weight of accident.
For a short time after operation of system of a call of the help speech connection between control office of ambulance and passengers of the damaged car is automatically established. If someone from passengers is able to speak, he can transfer to the staff of control office of ambulance more detailed data on accident consequences. Phone is in the mode of loud-speaking communication.
The system of a call of the help is provided at:
· existence of the existing contract with the services (telephone service and service of reception of call signals of the help) offering the corresponding services.
· existence of the operating personal identification code (PIN), the phone card (SIM), and permission to use of the TeleAid system.
· access to the relevant radiotelephone network (access is possible only within Germany on the basis of D1 and D2 networks) providing transfer of short messages through service SMS (Short Message Service)
· operational readiness of system of a call of the help.
When turning a key in the ignition lock in situation 1 or 2 the system of a call of the help is in operational readiness.
The control light-emitting diode on the button of system of a call of the help lights up approximately for 5 seconds.
When turning a key in the ignition lock in situation 0 or at taking out of a key the system of a call of the help is not in operational readiness any more.
Help call
Manually: Slightly press a cover-1-— the cover opens.
Slightly press the button systems of a call of the help-2-.
The control light-emitting diode on the button of system of a call of the help-2-blinks.
Receipt of a call signal of the help for further transfer to control office of ambulance is confirmed by the message through loud-speaking installation. To wait for speech communication with control office of ambulance.
After the termination of a call of the help close a cover-1-.
· at operation of a safety cushion;
· at strong blow on the car behind;
· when capsizing the car.
The control light-emitting diode on the button of system of a call of the help-2-blinks.
Receipt of a call signal of the help for further transfer to control office of ambulance is confirmed by the message through loud-speaking installation. To wait for speech communication with control office of rescue service.
On the universal display at first there is an indication of "EMERGENCY CALL" "CALL IN PROGRESS" (the HELP CALL, COMMUNICATION ESTABLISHMENT), and after communication installation - indication of "EMERGENCY CALL" "CALL ACTIVE" (the HELP CALL, COMMUNICATION is ACTIVATED). |
The control light-emitting diode blinks until the help call terminates.
After signal transmission of a call of the help phone in several seconds switches to the mode of loud-speaking communication before the end of exchange of information between control office of rescue service and the passenger of the car.
At this time it is impossible to carry on another stories by phone.
At the lowered tension (for example, at the discharged rechargeable battery) signal transmission of a call of the help through system of a call of the help is impossible. |
After signal transmission of a call of the help:
If the control light-emitting diode on the button of system of a call of the help constantly burns, and speech connection was not established before, signal transmission of a call of the help was not successful (for example, there is no radiotelephone network). On the universal display indication of "EMERGENCY CALL" "CALL FAILED" appears.
In that case saving actions need to be organized by own forces.
Battery of emergency supply
The TeleAid system has the additional battery of emergency supply in case it is impossible to use the rechargeable battery of the car, for example, at the lowered tension or the discharged battery.
In order to avoid a discharge of the battery of emergency supply at a detachment of the rechargeable battery of the car phone should be transferred to the mode ("The operation manual on phone"). |
Ignition switch
There is a danger of accident!
Take out a key from the ignition switch even at a short-term exit from the car.
Electric adjustment of provision of seats and steering wheel is possible also at one open door. Therefore do not leave children in the car unguarded.
Models with RKPP: Do not take out a key until the car did not stop. At the taken-out key the car is uncontrollable.
0 — At the taken-out key steering is locked.
Models with automatic transmission
The key can be taken out only if the lever of the AT selector is in situation "P" and the pedal of a working brake is not pressed.
1 — Steering is released.
Most of consumers of the electric power can be included.
More detailed information is provided in separate technical specifications.
2 — the Movement
Models with the petrol engine
Provision of the movement. All consumers of the electric power can be included.
Models with the diesel engine
Position of preheat and movement. All consumers of the electric power can be included.
Models with automatic transmission
The lever of the AT selector is released.
If the lever of the AT selector is in situation "P", for its movement it is necessary to squeeze out a brake pedal in addition.
Automated by the Sequentronic check point
Gear shifting is possible.
3 — Start
(Start and switching off of the petrol engine - see below).
(Start and switching off of the diesel engine - see below).
Locking of the lock of steering
After taking out of a key turn a steering wheel before fixing.
Unlocking of the lock of steering
Insert a key into the ignition switch - the lock of steering opens, at the same time slightly turn a steering wheel.
Do not stick a window of infrared beams on an edge of a key and do not allow its pollution, otherwise operability of the switch of ignition cannot be guaranteed. |
Start and stop of the petrol engine
Before start
Cock the parking brake.
Transfer the lever of switching of RKPP to neutral situation.
Translate the lever of switching automated by the Sequentronic check point in situation "N".
Transfer the lever of switching of automatic transmission to situation "P" or "N".
Models with RKPP
Turn a key in the switch of ignition in situation 3 and release as soon as the engine is started.
Do not press a pedal of an accelerator.
Models with automatic transmission
Turn a key in the switch of ignition in situation 3 and release. Process of start is made automatically until the engine or during the certain period of time - function of pulse start begins to work.
Do not press a pedal of an accelerator.
Start repetition
Before restart turn a key in the lock of ignition back in situation 0 and repeat start process, keeping at the same time a key in situation 3 until the engine was not started.
If the engine after long process is not started, address on HUNDRED "Mercedes-Benzs".
Too long attempts of start lead to a discharge of the rechargeable battery. Emergency start by towage of models with AT is impossible. |
Car engine stop
After a full stop of the car turn the ignition key in situation 0. Tighten the parking brake.
Models with automatic transmission
The key can be taken out only in position 0 of the ignition key if the lever of the AT selector is in situation "P" and the pedal of a working brake is not pressed.
Start and stop of the diesel engine
Before start
Cock the parking brake.
Transfer the lever of switching of RKPP to neutral situation.
Translate the lever of switching automated by the Sequentronic check point in situation "N".
Transfer the lever of the selector of automatic transmission to situation "P" or "N".
Turn a key in the switch of ignition in situation 2. The control lamp of preheat lights up.Models with RKPP
If the control lamp of preheat went out, turn a key in the ignition switch in situation 3 and release as soon as the engine is started.
Do not press a pedal of an accelerator.
Models with automatic transmission
When the control lamp of preheat goes out, turn a key in the ignition switch in situation 3 and release. Process of start is made automatically until the engine or during the certain period of time - function of pulse start begins to work.
Do not press a pedal of an accelerator.
Start of the heated-up engine: The engine can be started without preliminary heating.
Start repetition
Before restart turn a key in the switch of ignition back in situation 0 and repeat start process, at the same time hold a key in situation 3 until the engine is not started.
If the engine after long process of start was not started, address on HUNDRED "Mercedes-Benzs".
If the control lamp of preheat does not light up, then the system of preheat is faulty, for malfunction elimination immediately address on HUNDRED "Mercedes-Benzs". |
Emergency start of the engine towage is possible only for models about RKPP (Introduction).
Emergency stop of the engine
If the engine does not give in to switching off by a key, it can be switched off by taking out of two safety locks.
For this purpose take out two safety locks designated in the review of safety locks by the inscription "ENGINE EMERGENCY STOP" (EMERGENCY SWITCHING OFF of the ENGINE) the device for removal of safety locks.
The review of safety locks and spare safety locks are in a box of safety locks in salon (The specification of the Head Onboard electric equipment).
The device for removal of safety locks is in an additional box of safety locks of a luggage carrier (The head Onboard electric equipment).
Start-off about places and gear shifting
After start-off from the place quickly warm up the engine. Only after that it is possible to bring its loading to full capacity.
Start-off from the place on slippery soil: avoid a long provorachivaniye of one of driving wheels. It can lead to damage of transmission.
Manual Box of Gear Shifting (MBGS)
Do not exceed the maximum speeds for separate transfers.
Switching to transfer of a backing is allowed only after a car stop. For this purpose raise the gear shifting lever.
There is a danger of a drift!
Do not include lower transfer if the maximum speed of the movement on this transfer is exceeded. Driving wheels can be blocked.
On the slippery road do not switch to lower transfer for the purpose of braking.
Switching at too high speed to lower transfer (for the purpose of braking) can lead to excess of the most admissible turns of the engine and, thereby, to damage of the engine. |
Press a pedal of the parking brake.
Include the 1st transfer or transfer of a backing.
On steep slopes or descents turn forward wheels to sidewalk curbstone.
The automated box of gear shifting (Sequentronic)
The scheme of gear shifting is represented on the coulisse of the transmission.
"G" Provision of the movement / basic situation ("G")
"-" Switching to lower transfer
"+" Switching to higher transfer
"N" Neutral situation
"R" Transfer of a backing
"And" Automatic mode
Automated by the Sequentronic check point provides the manual and automatic modes of gear shifting.
In the manual mode the choice of transfers is made by easy pressing of the coulisse of the check point in the "+" or "-" direction.
In the automatic mode gear shifting is made automatically.
Unlike RKPP, in the manual mode automated by the Sequentronic check point process of switching it is carried out only at observance of conditions of switching (for example, the maximum turns, squeezing of a brake before switching in situation "R").
There is a danger of traumatizing!
At work on the car at the working engine cock the parking brake, and transfer the coulisse of the transmission to situation "N" for the purpose of prevention of start-off of the car from the place.
Provisions of the coulisse of the transmission
"G" Provision of the movement / basic situation
All six transfers for advance are used.
"+" Switching to higher transfer (manual mode)
Switching to higher transfer in the manual Sequentronic mode.
Easy pressing of the coulisse of the check point in the + direction makes switching to the following higher transfer.
"-" Switching to lower transfer (manual mode)
Easy pressing of the coulisse of the check point in the - direction makes switching to the following lower transfer.
"N" Neutral situation
Start of the engine is possible only if the coulisse of the check point is in situation "N".
"R" Transfer of a backing
Inclusion of transfer of a backing is possible only at a stop of the car and the pressed brake pedal.
"And" Automatic mode
All transfers for advance are used.
Automatic inclusion of optimum transfer is made.
Indication on the universal display
2 — Indication of position of the transmission
Gear shifting conditions
Process of gear shifting can be carried out under the following conditions.
At the switched-off engine and the provision of a key in the ignition switch in situation 2:
For statement of the car on the parking gear shifting from situation "N" in position of the movement "G" or on a broadcast of a backing "R" without additional preliminary squeezing of a pedal of a brake is possible.
Gear shifting in neutral situation "N" is possible only when pressing a pedal of a brake.
Switching of the transmission is possible only on condition of a sufficient charge of the rechargeable battery. |
At a car stop gear shifting from situation "N" in position of the movement "G" is possible if the brake pedal was pressed previously.
Since the speed of the movement about 5 km/h gear shifting from situation "N" in position of the movement "G" is possible without preliminary squeezing of a pedal of a brake.
At a car stop gear shifting from situation "N" on a broadcast of a backing "R" is possible if the brake pedal was pressed previously.
Gear shifting in neutral situation "N" is always possible without squeezing of a pedal of a brake.
Special case "Maneuvering" - see below.
For gear shifting from position of the movement "G" on higher + broadcast or on lower - broadcast the set conditions as, for example, the resolved maximum turns for the set transfer have to be maintained. If these conditions are not maintained, the required process of switching is not carried out.
Start of the engine
Turn a key in the switch of ignition in situation 2. On the indicator of position of the transmission position of the check point, or "0" is displayed.
Start of the engine is possible only if the coulisse of the check point and the transmission are in situation "N", consider indication!
If the indicator of position of the check point displays "0", the transmission is in situation "N", and the coulisse of the check point, however, in other situation. On the universal display there is an indication of "ENGAGE N TO START" (FOR START to INCLUDE a N BROADCAST!)
Transfer the coulisse of the check point to situation "N".
If the indicator position of the check point displays the established transfer, and the coulisse of the check point is in situation "N", then on the universal display indication "APPLY BRAKES appears!" (SQUEEZE OUT the BRAKE!).
After squeezing of a brake the transmission switches in neutral situation "N"; consider indication of provision of a box!
Start of the engine is possible now.
Manual mode
In the manual mode the driver has to make the manual choice of all processes of switching to lower transfer on long rises and descents, and also before turns, in particular at big loading (towage of the trailer).
Start-off from the place
Start-off from the place is possible only on the 1st transfer or on transfer of a backing.
Press a brake pedal, then make switching from situation "N" in position of the movement "G" or on a broadcast of a backing "R". On the indicator of position of the transmission the included transfer is displayed.
Start-off from the place is made by the dosed squeezing of a pedal of an accelerator. On the flat road by a purposeful otpuskaniye of a working brake start-off from the place with the pedestrian's speed can be reached.
If process of switching did not happen, on the indicator of position of the check point there is an indication "0", and on the universal display indication "APPLY BRAKES appears!" (SQUEEZE OUT the BRAKE!).
For repetition of process of gear shifting press a pedal of a brake and slightly shift the coulisse of the check point in the "+", "-" or "A" direction or include a broadcast of a backing "R".
By switching of the coulisse of the check point the driver chooses the required transfer.
Switching to higher transfer - slightly shift the coulisse of the check point in the + direction.
Switching to lower transfer - slightly shift the coulisse of the check point in the - direction.
Switching to higher or lower transfer is made only if turns of the engine are in the range, admissible for the required transfer.
Automatic mode
For the choice of the automatic mode slightly shift the coulisse of the check point in the direction "A". On the indicator of position of the check point it is displayed "And".
In the automatic mode depending on parameters:
· speeds of the movement
· provisions of a pedal of an accelerator
· automatic inclusion of the corresponding optimum transfer is made.
The program of switching automatically adapts to individual style of driving and to the current service conditions by the shift of the moments of gear shifting.
Shift of points of gear shifting represents the continuous process which is constantly considering the current operational state and a condition of the movement, and also intention of the driver.
Start-off from the place
Start-off from the place is made by the dosed squeezing of a pedal of an accelerator. On the flat road by a purposeful otpuskaniye of a working brake start-off from the place with the pedestrian's speed can be reached.
Weak pressing an accelerator pedal: early switching to higher transfer.
Strong pressing an accelerator pedal: late switching to higher transfer.
Strong pressing an accelerator pedal - quickly press an accelerator pedal (without overcoming resistance point kik-Down):
Switching to lower admissible transfer. Switching to lower transfer depends on the speed of the movement.
Kik-Down (a pedal of an accelerator press with overcoming a point of resistance against the stop):
Switching to the lowest admissible transfer.
Switching to higher transfer at nominal turns of the engine, the maximum acceleration.
Switching between the manual and automatic modes
After start of the engine and transfer of the coulisse of the check point to position of the movement "G" at first the manual mode is activated and the 1st transfer is included. On the indicator of position of the check point "1" is displayed.
Switching to the automatic mode
Slightly shift the coulisse of the check point in the direction "A". On the indicator of position of the check point it is displayed "And". The automatic mode is activated and automatic inclusion of the corresponding optimum transfer is made.
Switching to the manual mode
Slightly shift the coulisse of AT in the direction "A", the automatic mode is deactivated. Transfer switching at the same time is not made. On the indicator of position of the check point the established transfer is displayed.
Slightly shift the coulisse of AT in the "+" or "-" direction, the automatic mode is deactivated. During the movement - if it is possible - switching to one higher or lower transfer is made, and on the indicator of position of the check point the established transfer is displayed.
Manual mode
For the purpose of use of the braking operation of the engine in the mode of compulsory idling and when pressing a pedal of a brake you make switching to optimum lower transfer in these conditions.
In the mode of compulsory idling shortly before achievement of turns of idling of the engine automatic switching to lower transfer is made. Shortly before a stop of the car coupling switching off is made. By means of a working brake insure the car from advance, and on rise - from rolling back. the 1st transfer remains included.
Automatic mode
When braking automatic switching to optimum lower transfer in these conditions is made. Shortly before a stop of the car coupling switching off is made. Leave the coulisse of the check point in position of the movement "G" and protect the car a working brake from advance, rolling back and the movements with the pedestrian's speed. the 1st transfer remains included.
At the working engine and the included transfer to time of opening of a door of the driver the warning sound signal is distributed if on neither the pedal of a brake, nor an accelerator pedal are pressed. On the universal display indication "ENGAGE N appears!" (To SWITCH TO SITUATION "N"!). Press a pedal of a brake and switch the transmission to situation "N". If the pedal of a brake or a pedal of an accelerator is not pressed approximately within 1 second, then automatic switching automated by the Sequentronic check point in situation "N" is made. |
When maneuvering in the constrained conditions regulate the speed of the movement by the dosed pressing of a pedal of an accelerator. Press an accelerator pedal only slightly and do not play it.
On the flat road by a purposeful otpuskaniye of a working brake start-off from the place with the pedestrian's speed can be reached.
(Departure from the parking lot at close to the parking, for example, in snow or a snezhura) at a low speed of the movement switching between the 1st transfer (position of the movement "G") and a broadcast of a backing "R" can be made for bystry maneuvering without squeezing of a brake. For transfer blocking switching off the coulisse of the check point within about 0.5 seconds it has to be switched from situation "G" to situation "R" or on the contrary. If switching of the coulisse of the check point at the same time is made too slowly or speed too high, the transmission switches in neutral situation "N".
Press a pedal of the parking brake.
Include the 1st transfer or a broadcast of a backing "R".
The indicator of position of the check point has to show "1" or "R". Only in this case it is guaranteed that the chosen transfer is included.
On steep slopes or descents turn forward wheels to sidewalk curbstone, you watch at the same time to damaging the tire.
Turn a key in the switch of ignition in situation 0 and take out it. The last transfer displayed on the indicator of position of the check point remains included.
At the parking the warning sound signal joins, and on the universal display indication "APPLY PARKING BRAKE appears!" (COCK the PARKING BRAKE!), if the car is left in an uninsured state, that is if:
· the car is stopped;
· the driver's door is open;
· the transmission is switched to situation "N";
· the parking brake is not cocked.
As soon as the raising of the parking brake is made or the door is closed, the warning sound signal is switched off, and on the universal display indication dies away.
Emergency operation
If on the universal display indication of "TRANSMISSION" "VISIT WORKSHOP appears!" (The TRANSMISSION, ADDRESS ON HUNDRED!), the transmission is in emergency operation. An exit from the automatic mode is made, its repeated activation is impossible, and function of especially slow movement is deactivated.
To provide a possibility of continuation of the movement, it is possible to include the 1st, 2nd or 3rd transfers, situation "N", and also transfer of a backing. Immediately address on HUNDRED "Mercedes-Benzs" for check of the transmission.
If on the indicator of position of the check point in addition there is "F", then the system distinguished serious malfunction. Immediately address on HUNDRED "Mercedes-Benzs" for check of the transmission.
Automatic transmission
Separate transfers join automatically depending on:
· provisions of the lever of the AT selector with ranges of switching of 4, 3, 2 and 1
· the chosen program of switching (W/S)
· provisions of a pedal of an accelerator
· speeds of the movement.
The gear shifting mechanism automatically adapts to individual style of driving of the driver by the shift of points of gear shifting.
Shift of points of gear shifting represents the continuous process which is constantly considering an instant operational condition and a condition of the movement, and also desire of the driver.
Automatic transmission reacts to the changed service conditions adapted by the program of gear shifting.
Switching of the lever of the AT selector is possible in situation 2 locks of ignition. For movement of the lever of the AT selector it is necessary to squeeze out a working brake of situation "P" in addition.
Start-off from the place
Press a working brake for release of the lever of the AT selector. Release the parking brake.
Switch the AT selector lever during the operation of the engine idling to one of provisions of the movement. Wait for full inclusion of transfer, in particular at the cold engine. It is confirmed by easy breakthrough.
Release a working brake and press an accelerator pedal.
Switchings to higher transfer after start of the cold engine
After start of the cold engine gear shifting is made at higher speed of the engine, than switching at a working temperature.
Thus, the catalytic converter reaches the working temperature earlier.
Provision of a pedal of an accelerator
By easy pressing a pedal of an accelerator early switching to higher transfer is made.
Kik-Down — pressing of a pedal of an accelerator with overcoming a point of resistance causes the maximum acceleration and switching to the lowest possible transfer.
At achievement of desirable speed release an accelerator pedal — again there is a switching to higher transfer.
Car stop
Leave the selector lever in position of the movement "D" or "R" and by means of the working or parking brake insure the car from advance, and on rise — from an otkatyvaniye back.
When maneuvering in limited space regulate the speed of the movement by the dosed otpuskaniye of a working brake. Press an accelerator pedal only slightly, do not play it.
Press a pedal of the parking brake.
Transfer the AT selector lever to situation "P".
On steep slopes or descents turn forward wheels to an onboard stone of the sidewalk, you watch to damaging the tire.
Provisions of the lever of the AT selector
Position of the lever of the selector of automatic transmission is displayed on the display of the control panel.
P Locking at the parking
Additional protection of the car at the parking. Include only after a full stop of the car.
The key can be taken out only in position "P" of the lever of the AT selector. |
At the taken-out key the lever of the AT selector is blocked in situation "P".
R Transfer of a backing
Include only after a full stop of the car.
N Neutral situation
There is no torque transmission from the engine to driving wheels. At the released brakes the car can freely move (pushing, towage).
During the movement do not switch to situation "N", it can lead to damage of transmission.
At the turned-off or faulty function of the EPS system:
Only at threat of a drift of the car switching in situation "N" is allowed (for example, in the winter on the slippery road).
D Are used all 5 transfers of the forward course. The mode is provided for all normal traffic conditions forward.
Switching ranges for special service conditions
In position "D" of the lever of the AT selector switching ranges for special service conditions are chosen easy pressing or pressing of the lever of the selector to the left or to the right.
The included range of switching is displayed on the control panel.
Slightly press the selector lever in the — direction.
Switching every time on one range in the sequence of D, 4, 3, 2, 1 is made.
Press the lever of the selector in the direction — and hold it pressed:
Range of switching changes on the transfer included at present AT. If the movement happens already on the highest possible transfer of the included switching range, switching is made only on the following lower range of switching.
If movement of the lever of the selector in the — direction at too high speed is made, switching to lower transfer is not made. Thus excess of admissible speed of the engine is prevented. |
Slightly press the selector lever in the + direction:
Switching from the range of switching to the following higher range of switching included at present is made.
Press the lever of the selector in the + direction and hold it pressed:
Switching from the switching range included at present directly in situation "D" is made.
If transmission is in the range of switching of "D", it is possible to make switching to higher transfer to one step, having slightly pressed the selector lever in the + direction. |
Switching ranges:
4 Switching only before the 4th transfer.
3 Switching only before the 3rd transfer.
In this situation it is possible to use the braking operation of the engine.
2 Switching only before the 2nd transfer.
The mode is provided for the movement on abrupt passes, in mountains, under trying conditions operation, and also as brake situation on especially abrupt descents.
1 1st transfer.
Brake situation for the movement on especially abrupt descents and long passes.
Switch of programs
Pressing of the switch "W/S"-1-makes switching between the W and S programs.
Press the W/S switch only in provisions of the lever of the selector "P", "N" or "D".
The chosen program is displayed on the control panel.
"S" Standard mode
The mode is provided for all normal traffic conditions.
"W" Winter mode
1 — the Chosen program
2 — the Included position of the lever of the AT selector or range of switching
Switching to higher and lower transfer is made by strong pressing of a pedal of an accelerator at lower speeds of the movement and lower speed of the engine, than in the S program.
In the provision "kik-Down" of a pedal of an accelerator switching to higher and lower transfer is made as in the S program.
Emergency operation
If during the movement transmission does not give in to switching any more and keeps also under the changed service conditions the included transfer, transmission is in emergency operation.
For a possibility of the further movement the 2nd transfer or the 2nd transfer of a backing can be included. Sequence of actions at the same time following:
Stop the car.
Transfer the AT selector lever to situation "P".
Turn a key in the lock of ignition in situation 0.
Wait not to exchange of 10 seconds.
Start the engine.
Transfer the lever of the AT selector to situation "D":
the 2nd transfer is included.
Transfer the lever of the AT selector to situation "R":
Immediately address on HUNDRED "Mercedes-Benzs" for check of transmission.
Parking brake
Raising of the parking brake: strongly press a pedal of the parking brake. The parking brake is tightened.
On the control panel at the tightened parking brake the control lamp of the brake system lights up.
Otpuskaniye: pull the handle on yourself. The parking brake is released instantly — the car can start at once.
The control lamp of the brake system on the control panel dies away at the working engine.
At start-off from the place with the tightened parking brake the warning sound signal is distributed — release the parking brake. |
Recommendations about driving
Pedals of management
Do not limit freedom of management of pedals at all. In space for legs of the driver there should be no objects. When using rugs for legs or carpets it is necessary to provide a sufficient empty seat and their reliable fixing.
Movement and parking
During the movement or at the parking you watch that elements of system of release of OG did not adjoin to flammable material.
Warming up of the engine up to the working temperature
After start-off from the place quickly warm up the engine up to the working temperature. Only after that it is possible to bring its loading to full capacity.
Start-off from the place
Start-off from the place on slippery soil: Surely avoid long scrolling of one of driving wheels. It can lead to damage of transmission.
At the idle engine the hydraulic booster of steering does not operate. At the same time for management it is required the bigger effort is considerable.
The hydraulic booster of a working brake works only at the switched-on engine. It is necessary to consider what at the idle engine for braking is required it is considerable bigger effort.
On long and abrupt descents it is recommended to unload brakes switching of transmission to lower transfer — include ranges of switching 3, 2 or 1.
Thus the overheat of brakes is prevented and wear of brake shoes decreases.
After the raised load of brakes it is recommended to put the car on the parking not at once, and at first some time to continue the movement quicker to cool brakes with a counter flow of air.
If you long time moved to a heavy rain without braking, can happen that at the first braking there will be some delay, and you should press a brake with a bigger force. Therefore observe big, than usually, a distance to the cars moving ahead of you.
In order to avoid corrosion on brake disks before putting the car on the parking after movement along the wet road, especially if it was strewed with the defreezing means, strongly press a brake to dry brake disks by heating.
Working brake
At rather low operational loads of the brake system it is necessary to be convinced of its efficiency by short strong braking at higher speed from time to time. Thereby brake shoes are earned extra.
Watch that as a result of braking other participants of the movement were not endangered!
Consider the principle of operation of the amplifier of emergency brake application of Brake Assist (BAS) (see below).
If the control lamp of the brake system at the released parking brake lights up — address the Section Precautionary alarm and control lamps, and also messages of the information display on the registered malfunctions.
Establish the corresponding brake shoes! Address the section Acquisition of Spare Parts.
Shutdown of supply of fuel in the mode of compulsory idling
In the mode of compulsory idling supply of fuel is interrupted if the pedal of an accelerator is completely released.
Violations of operation of the engine
During the unstable operation of the engine (for example, in case of admissions of ignition) not burned down fuel can get to the catalytic converter and cause in it thermal damages.
In case of admissions of ignition, only short-term operation of the engine at small loading is allowed (on small turns).
Malfunction should be eliminated immediately on HUNDRED "Mercedes-Benzs".
Depending on water level on the road, despite the sufficient height of the drawing of a protector of tires and low speed of the movement, there can be an effect of hydroplaning. At a rain it is necessary to brake carefully and to avoid the movement in a track.
Coupling of tires with the road
While on the dry road the car at a certain speed completely gives in to management, at movement along the wet or ice-covered road the speed of the movement needs to be reduced respectively to reach the same degree of traffic safety.
Already at temperatures close to a freezing point, it is necessary to watch closely a condition of a paving especially.
If on the road ice was formed (for example, owing to fog), when braking on ice the thin water film considerably reducing coefficient of coupling of tires with the road is quickly formed. At such weather observe extra care.
During the winter period it is recommended to use tires of M type + S (with a protector for movement along dirty and snow-covered roads). At ice and on slippery snow they can reduce a brake way in comparison with tires with the summer drawing of a protector.
Surely observe the ordered air pressure in tires.
It is especially important concerning the tires operated in the extreme modes, for example, at a high speed, full load and at high temperatures of external air.
Do not allow strong wear of tires. With a height of the drawing of a protector less than 3 mm the coefficient of coupling of tires with the wet road sharply decreases.
The coefficient of coupling of tires with the road considerably changes depending on weather or a condition of a paving.
Trips abroad
The network HUNDRED "Mercedes-Benzs" is available and abroad. The corresponding lists HUNDRED "Mercedes-Benzs" it is possible to request on any HUNDRED "Mercedes-Benzs".
In some countries only low-octane fuel is on sale.
In the countries with the order of the movement different from an order of the movement in the country of the admission of the car to operation, it is necessary to switch headlights to symmetric passing beam or to partially stick them.
Thus dazzle of oncoming cars decreases.
Operation during the winter period
Before approach of winter prepare the car for operation during the winter period.
Replace motive oil: if the oil which is not allowed to application for operation during the winter period is filled.
Check concentration of antifreeze with anticorrosive additives.
Windscreen washer and faroochistitel
Add a detergent concentrate to water (address Specifications of the Head Routine maintenance).
Control of the rechargeable battery
At decrease in temperature the capacity of the rechargeable battery falls. Only well charged rechargeable battery provides reliable start of the engine and at low temperatures.
We recommend to apply on all wheels of the tire M + S in the winter (with a protector to movement along dirty and snow-covered roads). At the same time it is necessary to observe the maximum speed of the movement for tires M + S, and also the maximum speed limited to traffic regulations!
At operation of the car during the winter period the maximum effect of electronic antistrange system (ESP) is reached only at use of tires M + S and, if necessary, antisliding chains. |
At start-off from the place with antisliding chains shutdown of function of the antistrange ESP system can play a positive role (see below in this Section).
Recommendations about driving in ice
The most important rule at the movement in ice:
Move carefully, avoid sharp acceleration, braking and maneuvering at management.
At threat of a drift of the car or in case at a low speed of the movement the car cannot be stopped, switch off coupling or transfer the selector lever automatic transmission to situation "N".
By means of a wheel try to keep the car under control.
The defreezing means applied on roads can exert negative impact on brake action. Therefore for achievement of habitual brake action the bigger effort can be required.
In this regard it is recommended at long movement along the roads covered with the defreezing means to press repeatedly a brake pedal. The brake action reduced by the defreezing means can be again normalized by it.
Watch that as a result of braking not to endanger other participants of the movement!
If after movement along the roads strewed with the defreezing means the car was put on the parking, then before continuation of a trip it is necessary to check, whenever possible, at once brake action, observing due care. At noticeable decrease in efficiency of braking it is possible to restore it by means of repeated squeezing of a pedal of a brake.
Antisliding chains
Apply only the tested and allowed antisliding chain "MB".
Installation of chains of antisliding is allowed only on certain combinations of wheels and tires. (More detailed instructions are provided in Specifications).
Impose antisliding chains only on back wheels (the leading bridge). Observe the instruction of the manufacturer for installation.
The maximum speed of the movement (50 km/h) is allowed only at the movement on snow.
On not snow-covered road of a chain of antisliding it is necessary to remove whenever possible at once.
(Recommendations about driving in ice are given above).
At application of chains of antisliding function of the antistrange ESP system can be turned off (see below).
Towage of the trailer
Do not exceed the maximum basic load, the allowed mass of the towed freight and the allowed load of the back bridge of the car. |
It is necessary to observe strictly the instruction for installation of the traction coupling device with a removable spherical head.
At operation with the trailer it is necessary to consider that dynamic properties at the same time considerably differ from dynamic properties of the car without trailer.
The structure with the trailer is heavier, has limited ability to dispersal and overcoming rises and longer brake way. He reacts to rushes of a side wind, etc. more sensitively and demands more careful driving.
Fuel consumption at operation of the car with the trailer naturally increases.
When loading the trailer you watch that the full standard mass of the trailer and the allowed mass of the freight towed by the car together with the traction coupling device (Specification) were not exceeded.
The allowed values are specified in passports of the car and on name plates of the traction coupling device and trailer.
The lowest value is valid.
Besides, the permissible load of a dyshl of the trailer on a spherical head of the traction coupling device should not be exceeded.
The maximum basic load is specified in Specifications or on the pasted plate. It should not exceed the value specified on name plates of the traction coupling device and trailer.
We recommend to use the maximum basic load on дышло the trailer, and not less than 50 kg.
According to basic loading it is necessary to reduce the mass of freight in the car in order to avoid excess of the allowed load of the back bridge.
It is recommended not to exceed the maximum speed of 80 km/h, including and in the countries in which higher speed is allowed.
It is necessary to avoid, whenever possible, sharp braking and at first slightly to brake for the purpose of a trailer nakatyvaniye on the tractor. Then smoothly increase brake effort.
If the trailer begins to wag, it is necessary to reduce the speed of the movement, not to turn a wheel against a drift, and in case of need, slow down. Do not try "to extend" structure increase in speed of the movement at all.
The values of ability of overcoming rise given in Specifications at start-off from the place belong to sea level. At the movement in mountains it is necessary to remember that with increase in height the engine capacity and, therefore, ability of overcoming rise at start-off from the place decreases.
Trailers with the inertial brake system should not be disconnected in a condition of a setup. Owing to reverse motion of the inertial brake system damage of a bumper is possible. |
Tempostat automatically supports the set speed of the movement.
Can be chosen and activated by the lever of the switch of a tempostat on a column of steering темпостат or the adjustable limiter of speed.
Indication of the chosen system, a tempostat or the adjustable limiter of speed, is made by the LIM indicator on the lever of the switch of a tempostat:
· Tempostat:
the LIM indicator on the lever of the switch of a tempostat does not burn.
· Adjustable limiter of speed: the LIM indicator on the lever of the switch of a tempostat burns — address the subsection "Adjustable Limiter of Speed".
1 — slightly press record in memory of speed of the movement the lever of the switch of a tempostat.
Acceleration — hold the lever of the switch of a tempostat pressed.
Exact installation by steps to 1 km/h — quickly press the lever of the switch of a tempostat.
2 — slightly press record in memory of speed of the movement the lever of the switch of a tempostat.
Reduction in the rate of the movement — hold the lever of the switch pressed.
Exact installation by steps to 1 km/h — quickly press the switch lever.
3 Switching off — slightly press the switch lever.
The limit of speed remains in memory.
4 A call of the speed entered into memory — slightly press the lever of the switch of a tempostat.
5 Switching between the adjustable limiter of speed and tempostaty — press the switch lever.
Tempostat is chosen if the LIM indicator on the lever of the switch of a tempostat is switched off.
The adjustable limiter of speed is chosen if the LIM indicator on the lever of the switch of a tempostat burns.
Function of a tempostat does not adapt automatically to road conditions owing to what it is impossible to use темпостат, for example, at ice. |
Record in memory of any speed over 32 km/h on petrol models and 40 km/h – on diesel is possible.
Switching from the adjustable limiter of speed on темпостат. The LIM indicator on the lever of the switch of a tempostat has to be switched off. If necessary press the lever of the switch of a tempostat in the direction-5-.
Gain the desirable speed of the movement, having pressed an accelerator pedal.
Slightly press the lever of the switch of a tempostat in the direction-1-or-2-. Speed is written down in memory.
The speed entered into memory is displayed on the information display, and on a speedometer segments from the speed entered into memory to the maximum speed of the movement light up.
Release an accelerator pedal.
At increase in speed of the movement of the car pressing of the lever of the switch of a tempostat in the direction-1-or reduction of speed in the direction-2 after an otpuskaniye of the lever of the switch of a tempostat speed is written down in memory. |
Exact installation by steps to 1 km/h
Increase in speed — slightly press the lever of the switch of a tempostat in the direction-1-.
Reduction of speed — slightly press the lever of the switch of a tempostat in the direction-2-.
Call of the entered speed from memory
Slightly press the switch lever in the direction-4-.
Choose the remembered speed of the movement only if the driver well remembers it and it is intended to be caused from memory again.
When turning a key in the ignition lock in situation 1 or 0 the remembered speed is dumped. |
Switching off:
Quickly press the lever of the switch of a tempostat in the direction-3-or-5-, speed remains in memory.
By pressing in the direction-5-the LIM indicator on the lever of the switch of a tempostat lights up — the adjustable limiter of speed is chosen.
Tempostat is also switched off when pressing a pedal of a brake, coupling more than 4 sec., or the translation of the lever of the AT selector during the movement in situation "N".
Remarks: On rises or descents the deviation from the set speed is possible. On models with AT темпостат reduces a deviation from the speed of the movement chosen by the driver by switching of the transmission to lower transfer. Despite it, it is possible that the set speed will not manage to be kept. |
After overcoming such site the remembered speed automatically is established and transmission comes back to former situation.
If the speed of the movement of the car decreases pressing of the lever of the switch of a tempostat in the direction-2-, then at insufficient reduction of speed switching of transmission to the 4th or 3rd transfer is made.
For short-term increase in speed of the movement (e.g., for overtaking) — press an accelerator pedal. If the pedal of an accelerator is again released, the remembered speed is established again.
Use темпостат only if road conditions allow the uniform speed of the movement.
Remarks for models with RKPP and with automated by the Sequentronic check point in the manual mode
After transfer switching slightly press an accelerator pedal. Thus smoothness of switching increases.
After an accelerator pedal otpuskaniye the set speed is established again.
If the coulisse of gear shifting after squeezing of a pedal of coupling is in neutral situation, perhaps short-term increase in turns of the engine.
Move always with the sufficient, but not exceeded engine turns - in due time switch transfers. At gear shifting темпостат it is not switched off. Avoid switching to lower transfer with jumping through several transfers. If at gear shifting the pedal of coupling was squeezed out more than on 4 sec., темпостат is switched off.
Remarks for models with automated by the Sequentronic check point in the automatic mode or with AT:
If the speed of the movement of the car decreases pressing of the lever of the switch of a tempostat in the direction-2-, then at insufficient reduction of speed switching of the transmission to the 4th or 3rd transfer is made.
Adjustable limiter of speed
1 Activation of the adjustable limiter of speed — slightly press the lever of the switch of a tempostat.
Increase in a limit of speed — hold the lever of the switch of a tempostat pressed.
2 Activation of the adjustable limiter of speed — slightly press the lever of the switch of a tempostat.
Decrease in a limit of speed — hold the lever of the switch of a tempostat pressed.
3 Switching off of the adjustable limiter of speed — slightly press the lever of the switch of a tempostat.
The set limit of speed remains in memory.
4 A speed limit call from memory — slightly press the lever of the switch of a tempostat.
Exact regulation, increase in a limit of speed steps on 1 km/h — quickly press the lever of the switch of a tempostat.
5 Switching between tempostaty and the adjustable limiter of speed — press the lever of the switch of a tempostat.
The adjustable limiter of speed is chosen if the LIM indicator on the lever of the switch of a tempostat burns.
Tempostat is chosen if the LIM indicator on the lever of the switch of a tempostat does not burn. (Tempostat is considered above in this Section).
Start the engine.
At the working engine restriction of any speed over 30 km/h is possible.
Switching from a tempostat to the adjustable limiter of speed.
The LIM indicator on the lever of the switch of a tempostat has to burn. If necessary press the lever of the switch of a tempostat in the direction-5-.
Slightly press the switch lever in the direction (1, 2 or 4).
The adjustable limiter of speed is activated.
The set limit of speed is displayed on the information display, and on a speedometer LIM indication lights up.
Speed of the movement is remembered as a new limit of speed; at the same time rounding to the following higher ten is made. Further easy pressing or a continence of the lever makes increase in the set speed limit.
Speed of the movement is remembered as a new limit of speed; at the same time the curve to the following lower ten is made. Further easy pressing or a continence of the lever makes decrease in the set speed limit.
The last limit of speed brought in memory is activated if the speed of the movement exceeds a limit no more, than on 30 km/h.
Further easy pressing or deduction of the lever makes increase in the set speed limit by steps on 1 km/h.
Slightly press the switch lever in the direction-3-or press in the direction-5-.
On a speedometer all segments shine.
By pressing in the direction-5 the LIM indicator on the lever of the switch of a tempostat dies away.
The limiter of speed is deactivated as well in case in the provision of a pedal of an accelerator kik-Down the speed of the movement differs from in advance established speed no more, than on 20 km/h.
Depending on a design insignificant rejections of indications of a speedometer from the speed established by means of the limiter are possible. |
The unit of measure of indication of speed of the movement can be chosen in the INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (CONTROL PANEL) menu of the Individual Installation system, in the menu of the DISPLAY VALUES IN installation (VALUE ON the DISPLAY B) (Undressed the Multipurpose steering wheel, the universal display).
If in the INSTRUMENT CLUSTER (CONTROL PANEL) and VEHICLE menu (CAR) of the Individual Installation system menus of the DISPLAY VALUES IN installation (VALUE ON the DISPLAY B) and "SPEED LIMIT" (WINTER TYRES) are caused, (RESTRICTION of SPEED – WINTER TIRES), then the adjustable limiter of speed cannot be activated.
If the limiter of speed cannot keep the set speed (for example, on descents), the sound signal is distributed and on the universal display there is "LIMIT EXCEEDED" (SPEED LIMIT is EXCEEDED). In addition indication of LIM on a speedometer blinks.
At malfunction of the adjustable limiter of speed — address the subsection "Speedtronic", Undressed Precautionary alarm and control lamps, and also messages of the information display on the registered malfunctions).
Constant limiter of speed (Only Germany)
The constant limiter of speed can be installed in the VEHICLE menu (CAR) of the Individual Installation system on certain values (for example, at operation of the car with tires with the winter drawing of a protector) in the menu of the SPEED LIMIT installation (WINTER TYRES), (RESTRICTION of SPEED - TIRES WITH the WINTER DRAWING of the PROTECTOR) (Undressed
the Multipurpose steering wheel, the universal display).
Shortly before achievement of the set speed limit its value is displayed on the universal display. In addition indication of LIM on a speedometer lights up.
The set constant limit of speed cannot be exceeded by squeezing of a pedal of an accelerator with overcoming a point of resistance. At models with automatic transmission it corresponds to the provision of a pedal of an accelerator kik-Down.
Remarks: Depending on a design insignificant rejections of indications of a speedometer from the speed established by means of the limiter are possible. |
Amplifier of emergency brake application (BAS) (Brake Assist)
The amplifier of emergency brake application Brake Assist helps you to reduce a brake way when braking in dangerous road situations. He allows to use completely advantages of system of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS).
By sharp pressing of a brake pedal it provides the maximum accumulation of brake effort. For achievement of whenever possible minimum brake way do not reduce effort of a leg, and continue to press a brake pedal.
At a brake pedal otpuskaniye the amplifier is switched off; working brakes are used.
At malfunction of the amplifier of emergency brake application - see. "The warning system and the alarm system of malfunctions" (Undressed Precautionary alarm and control lamps, and also messages of the information display on the registered malfunctions). |
System of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS)
If the key in the switch of ignition is in situation 2, the control lamp of the ABS system burns. It dies away at the working engine.
If the control lamp of the ABS system on the control panel at the working engine constantly burns - see the Section Precautionary alarm and control lamps, and also messages of the information display on the registered malfunctions.
The ABS system prevents blocking of wheels irrespective of a condition of the road, since speed about 8 km/h.
If turns of one of wheels when braking deviate turns of the others, ABS begins management of brake pressure, at the same time vibration of the car and an easy pulsation of a brake pedal is felt. Thus the driver is notified on ABS work.
In need of further braking do not reduce effort of a leg to a pedal. Thus advantage of the ABS system - braking at preservation of controllability of the car is used.
If full braking is required, squeeze out a pedal of a brake with a full force, the regulation mode by means of the ABS system thereby is provided.
On the slippery road, at ice and snowfall, the system can work already at low effort of braking. The pulsation of a brake pedal arising at the same time indicates that style of driving should be changed respectively difficult to road conditions.
At malfunction of system of anti-blocking of brakes address the Section Precautionary alarm and control lamps, and also messages of the information display on the registered malfunctions. |
Electronic antistrange system (ESP)
The electronic ESP system increases stability of the movement of the car and ability of transfer of traction effort at all operating modes.
If the key in the switch of ignition is in situation 2, on a speedometer the precautionary alarm lamp burns. It dies away at the working engine.
At the expense of snubbing of wheels and restriction of torque of the engine counteraction to a drift or insufficient controllability of the car is created. At the same time the precautionary alarm lamp on a speedometer blinks.
If the key in the lock of ignition is in situation 2, on a speedometer the precautionary alarm lamp burns. It dies away at the working engine.
Switching off, inclusion of function of the antistrange ESP system
The switch is on the average console.
Press the switch:
1 Switching off
2 Inclusion
Switching off
Press the switch of the ESP system above (1).
The precautionary alarm lamp on a speedometer lights up.
At operation of the car with antisliding chains, on deep snow, sand or gravel switching off of function of antistrange system at start-off from the place can play a positive role or during the movement. In this case the torque of the engine is not limited and driving wheels can be scrolled, creating milling action.
Function of management of traction effort joins also at achievement by one driving wheel of a limit of coupling of the tire with the road, for example, at unilateral ice. For prevention of scrolling of this wheel it is braked until the traction effort is not reached sufficiently. This function of management of traction effort joins at a speed approximately to 40 km/h. It is disconnected the latest at a speed of movement about 80 km/h.
The precautionary alarm lamp on a speedometer begins to blink at any speed of the movement if tires reached a limit of coupling with the road.
For return to the normal mode of the movement press the switch of the ESP (2) system. The precautionary alarm lamp on a speedometer dies away also function of antistrange system in a condition of operational readiness again.
At towage with the lifted forward bridge or control of the parking brake at the stand for test of brakes the engine has to be switched off. Otherwise owing to the active braking action through the ESP system damage of the brake system of the back bridge is possible. |
At operation of the car during the winter period the maximum effect of electronic antistrange system (ESP) is reached only at use of tires with the winter drawing of a protector (M+S) and, if necessary, antisliding chains. |
When using wheels with tires of various sizes appropriate functioning of the ESP system is not provided.
If the system of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS) is faulty, then the electronic antistrange system (ESP) and the amplifier of emergency brake application (BAS) are also switched off.
At malfunction of electronic antistrange system - see. "The warning system and the alarm system of malfunctions" (Undressed Precautionary alarm and control lamps, and also messages of the information display on the registered malfunctions).
Parktronic system (PTS)
The Parktronic system visually and acoustically warns about dangerous distance between your car and an obstacle.
If the key in the lock of ignition turns in situation 2, the Parktronic system automatically joins and remains activated to speed about 15 km/h.
At higher speed the Parktronic system is automatically switched off. At a low speed it automatically again joins.
Activation of signaling devices with the corresponding zone of control is made depending on position of the lever of the selector of automatic transmission.
Position of the lever of the AT selector
"D" are activated signaling devices of a forward zone.
"R", "N" are activated signaling devices of forward and back zones.
"Р" signaling devices are deactivated.
Provisions of the lever automated by the Sequentronic check point:
"G", "A", "N" are activated signaling devices of a forward zone.
"R" are activated signaling devices of forward and back zones.
Position of the coulisse of RKPP:
Except a backing: signaling devices for a forward zone are activated;
Backing: signaling devices for forward and back zones are activated.
The Parktronic system can be switched off by means of the switch on the average console.
Signaling devices
Signaling devices for a forward zone are represented.
1 Left side of the car
2 Right side of the car
3 Framework
4 Segments
Signaling devices of a forward zone are on the dashboard over the average ventilating deflector.
Signaling devices of a back zone are on a roof ceiling covering in a back part of salon.
If the system "Parktronic "is included, on signaling devices a framework shines (3).
The distance between the sensor and an obstacle is displayed by segments (4) signaling devices.
Signaling devices are subdivided into 6 yellow and 2 red segments.
If the car approaches the obstacle registered by sensors, then depending on distance one or several segments light up.
Since the seventh segment in addition is distributed faltering, and from the eighth segment - a continuous warning sound signal within at most 3 seconds.
Control of the next zone is made by 6 sensors-1-on a front bumper and 4 sensors on a rear bumper.
Radius of operation of sensors
Front bumper: in the middle of about 100 about 60 cm are swarty
Rear bumper: in the middle of about 120 about 80 cm are swarty
At these distances the first yellow segment lights up. At reduction of distance other segments light up.
The minimum distance between the sensor and an obstacle:
forward corners about 15 cm
in the middle of about 20 cm
All yellow segments and one or both red segments shine. In addition approximately for 3 seconds the warning sound signal is distributed.
Further approach can lead to the fact that the obstacle will not be displayed any more (segments do not light up).
At the parking it is necessary to pay special attention to the objects which are below or above sensors, it, for example, as curbstones for flowers or дышло the trailer.
The similar objects which are in close proximity (about 30 cm), can be not always identified by system and, thus, can be damaged or will lead to damage of the car.
Function of the Parktronic system can be broken if sensors are damaged or covered with dirt, snow, ice and especially snezhury.
The hindrances arising at the expense of other sources of ultrasound, for example, of a pneumatic brake of trucks or pneumatic hammers cannot be also completely excluded.
It is possible that certain objects which can touch a forward or back part of the car will not be identified by system sensors.
Switching off of the Parktronic system
The switch is on the average console.
Press the switch:
1 Switching off
2 Inclusion
3 The control light-emitting diode — burns at the switched-off Parktronic system
Inclusion happens automatically if the key in the lock of ignition turns in situation 2.
Towage of the trailer
If at towage of the trailer the feeding cable is inserted into the plug socket, function of protection of a back part of a body is not activated.
If the feeding cable is disconnected, function of protection of a back part of a body is again activated.
The adapter for the trailer with the 7-contact plug has to be pulled out from the socket after a trailer detachment, otherwise function of protection of a back part of a body remains not activated. |
Malfunction of the Parktronic system
At malfunction only red segments of all signaling devices light up.
The foreign source of ultrasound or the polluted sensor can be the cause.
(Cleaning of sensors of the Parktronic system on bumpers — address the Head Podvesk and steering).
After cleaning of sensors turn a key in the ignition lock in situation 2 again.
At malfunction in addition within about 3 seconds the warning sound signal is distributed, and the control light-emitting diode on the switch of the Parktronic system on the average console lights up. The system is switched off!
Immediately address on HUNDRED "Mercedes-Benzs" for check of the Parktronic system.
Device of remote opening of a door of a garage
There is a danger of accident!
Pressing one of buttons of the transmitter of the built-in device of remote control in an internal rear-view mirror is allowed only if in a zone of the movement of system of opening of a door of a garage there are no people or any objects; otherwise there is a danger of traumatizing people the opening door.
The device of remote control which is built in in an internal rear-view mirror it is possible to open or close up to three various door systems.
Some systems for opening of a door of a garage cannot be run by the built-in device of remote control. You can obtain more detailed information on HUNDRED "Mercedes-Benzs". |
1 Transmitter button
2 Transmitter button
3 Transmitter button
4 Control light-emitting diode
Programming of the built-in device of remote control
Buttons of the transmitter-1-,-2-and-3-can be programmed.
Programming on the example of the transmitter-1-button:
· Turn a key in the lock of ignition in situation 1 or 2.
· Press the button of the transmitter-1-and hold pressed until the control light-emitting diode-4-does not begin to blink with a frequency approximately once a second.
· Continue to hold the button of the transmitter-1-pressed.
Remark: The control light-emitting diode-4-begins to blink at once if one of buttons of the transmitter is programmed for the first time or if contents of the STORAGE of the built-in device of remote control were dumped previously. |
· At repeated programming of the programmed transmitter button the control light-emitting diode-4-begins to blink in about 20 seconds.
· You hold the portable device of remote control of system of opening of a door of a garage directed (a transmitter exit) on the left side of an internal rear-view mirror. Press the button of the transmitter of the portable device of remote control until the control light-emitting diode-4-does not begin to blink quickly.
· Programming took place successfully.
· Release the transmitter-1-button.
If the system of remote opening of a door of a garage works with a dynamic code (Rolling-Code), then it is necessary to synchronize the transmitter of the car and the transmitter of system of remote opening of a door of a garage. |
Opening/closing of a door of a garage
The built-in device of remote control after programming accepts properties of the portable device of remote control of system of opening of a door of a garage (address corresponding "Operation manual").
· Turn a key in the lock of ignition in situation 1 or 2.
· Press the necessary button of the transmitter (1, 2 or 3) according to programming.
· The door of a garage opens or closed.
The transmitter works while the transmitter button is pressed. After no more than 20 seconds process of transfer is interrupted, and the control light-emitting diode-4-begins to blink. If necessary repeatedly press the transmitter button. |
Dumping of the STORAGE of the built-in device of remote control
· Turn a key in the lock of ignition in situation 1 or 2.
· Press the buttons-1-and-3-and hold pressed within about 20 seconds until the control light-emitting diode-4-does not begin to blink in accelerated.
· Contents of the STORAGE are dumped.
Before sale of the car we recommend to you to dump contents of the STORAGE of the built-in device of remote control. |
Locking and unlocking of a cover of the hatch of the fuel tank is made together with locking and unlocking of doors and trunk lids by means of the device of remote control.
Information on grades of fuel is provided in Specifications.
Take out a key from the ignition switch.
Open a cover of the hatch of the fuel tank: press in the direction of an arrow and open.
Open a stopper of the fuel tank:
turn to the left and detain for dumping of excessive pressure.
Remove a stopper of the fuel tank and insert it in the holder who is on inside of a cover of the hatch of the fuel tank.
Fill the fuel tank only to the level at which the gun of a distributing column is switched-off - do not overflow a tank.
(Filling volumes are specified in Specifications to the Head Routine maintenance).
Close a stopper of the fuel tank: turn before fixing to the right.
Close a cover of the hatch of the fuel tank.